Group Tunings

How can I benefit from a Group Tuning? What can I expect? 

In a Group Tuning Our Inner Healer is Turning Density into Light

The Basics of Biofield Tuning 

In Biofield Tuning we are taking what was heavy or stuck and alchemizing it!  We begin with everyone lying down, getting comfortable, and breathing. Your job is to be the Neutral Witness and stay curious as you breathe and notice your body. 
The first step is to ground the body by amplifying the light in the area below your feet, the Earth Star. The second step is to illuminate and charge your connection with the light above your head, the Sun Star. 
These are scientifically measurable polarities that you experience when the sun is out and your bare feet are on the ground. 
After that, your Biofield Tuning Professional follows what the forks tell her to do- the tuning forks guide the session. 
Always the primary intention is to do NO HARM. 
Second the intention is to work in the most EFFICIENT manner for THE GOOD OF THE ALL. 
Thirdly, all participants are in their own ENERGY CONTAINER. 
This is just like the permeable double layer membrane of a cell. It means that you can attend a GROUP TUNING without concern that you will be affected by the ENERGY of the other participants.

You have an electrical system that contains the record of your life 

Sensations during Biofield Tuning

With sound, the practitioner can amplify the light in your body's grounding system. She will ask you to notice your feet- and you will notice them tingle or get heavy. You will notice your ability to release dense energy through your breath and through your feet. As the sound travels up the central channel of the human body, it will stop or become weak in any spots where there is a blockage. Anyone in the group who has a blockage at that spot will feel the need to breathe deeper. The sound & your breath will dismantle the blockage and then everyone in the group will feel a release, and the breath will come much more easily. 
If anyone in the group feels discomfort in their body which doesn't shift quickly, we ask that they raise their hand and let us know. The energy flows in our body and when it encounters a stressor, it can produce intense sensations, which then break through and become a welcome release. 
The more tunings you attend, the more you will feel.  
Another bonus of a group session compared to a private session is that if you are a private person, you can integrate the work in your own way without the practitioner necessarily naming the specific emotions that may be coming up for you.  This can give you all the benefits of Biofield Tuning but at a more affordable rate. 
The Healing Journey is life long, so each tuning will build on the ones before. Your body will continue to show you what it is ready to heal. 

"A Healer Doesn't Heal you. A Healer holds space for you while you awaken your Inner healer to heal yourself" Maryam Hasnaa

How to Efficiently Get to the Other Side of Blocked Energy 

Biofield Tuning can shift things you don’t even know are there!
For example, you can have a word, image, sensation, or emotion come up out of your unconscious that is ready to heal. 
Your body will ONLY ALLOW that which it is ready to Heal. 
Even though, no one enjoys sitting in the uncomfortable spots, the only way to the TRUE COMPASSION & JOY is by turning what was heavy lead into GOLD! 
For maximum benefit & efficiency plan that you may need more rest, journaling, massage, a salt bath & hydration to integrate your healing work after a Group Tuning. Allow your true feelings to surface, hydrate and go barefoot in nature.
Common experiences after things move through- desire to clean house, create something new, finishing a project that was taking too long. Feeling lighter, more clear, and more focused.

When Fire and Rain Evolve into a Rainbow

What Happened at our Last Group Tuning

After last Tuesday's Biofield Tuning with Crystal Bowls & Reiki with Stacey Woodrow, I was through the roof. I felt lighter, full of joy, and my feet felt solid and strong on the Earth. 
Our Rise with the Dragon Series started with the Element of Water. 
After we guided those folks who were new to the tunings, letting them know what to expect, we settled in. 
Rachel was on the Crystal Bowls and the Tuning Forks- guiding everyone as she anchored their Earth Star and amplified the electrical current along the spinal cord. 
Stacey moved around the room sharing Reiki and receiving Intuitive Messages for each person which she shared at the end. 
If you have ever come to a Biofield Tunings before, you know, it can get into some sticky emotions. The discomfort in our body demands to be felt to completion. Just keep breathing and softening! 
Once the trapped emotion is felt to completion, it pops like a bubble, and everyone feels the release. The breath flows easier, the muscles release. 
All of a sudden, instead of being a bag of molecules we become: 
This is how I felt after this session & every group session. 
The work we do together is even more potent because when we are vulnerable and come together, we receive connection. 
We have 4 more Group Tunings Scheduled. The first three are at Noras Integrative Psychotherapy Space- an inviting, cozy, "HAPPY PLACE" where we can lower the lights, grab an extra cushion, and really get comfy for the healing journey. 
Tuesday July 30- Anoka 6:30 Earth
Thursday August 8- Anoka 6:30 Fire
Monday August 19- Anoka 6:30 Air
9/9 - Will Heal Farm Yurt- The Quintessence 6:30