What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine pins into electrically conductive points on your body.
The insertion of points creates a chemical cascade in your body which results in relaxation.
When your body is relaxed, you enter the state of Rest, Digest, and Repair.
Your brain waves will usually slow into Alpha or Theta, where you can clearly focus.
Your breath slows down, bringing oxygen to where you most need it in your body.
Acupuncture & Immunity
As the ancient Qi Gong Masters found- like Lao Tzu, we can cultivate a ball of energy in our lower Dan Tien.
This is the area just below & deep to the navel.
We build up life force around our navel when we do yoga, breathwork, play, move, dance, practice Tai Chi or laugh therapy! No matter what your favorite type of movement or meditation is, it helps move lymph & blood which supports immunity.
Acupuncture points support the circulation of life force to the lungs, spleen, and stomach so that you are in a better position to deal with parasites, bugs, molds, bacteria, and viruses.
What is Vibrational Acupuncture?
In Vibrational Acupuncture I use a combination of Weighted Tuning Forks on acupressure points on your body along with well-placed acupuncture points.
As you rest and breathe, I use the Sonic Slider- a silent fork that emits a healing vibration on the meridians of your body. You will feel a tingling which is calming and settles the nervous system.
By combining Acupuncture and vibration we can work on the physical body in a way that brings it into more coherence.
Coherence is the state when the inner symphony is playing, and the organs are harmonizing with one another instead of in a state of dysregulation & tension.
Acupuncture & Cupping
Cupping is like a deep tissue massage, except that the suction is pulling up on the fascia to release knots and tension instead of compression as in a massage.
My favorite spots to give (and receive!) cupping are on the back- on the shoulders, upper, middle low back and SI joints.
When the cups are applied- most people dissolve into a long exhale.
Because tension is at the root of most bodily discomfort, when we can allow tension to dissolve we experience a feeling of suspension where we can let go of whatever we carry.
Acupuncture Prices
90 minutes $90
I use Acupuncture points to release stagnation, de-stress & unwind. I often do acupuncture on the back body followed by the front body when time allows.
I combine therapeutic touch, warm jojoba oil, cupping when needed, healing vibration.
I prefer less talking during the session with attention to breath. If you desire I can give you follow up suggestions after the session.