Biofield Tuning

We help people relax, restore, unwind & become more self-aware. 

What is Biofield Tuning? 

In Biofield Tuning we use tuning forks to help people relax, restore, and become more self-aware. 
Eileen Day Mckusick made an amazing discovery. 
By dragging tuning forks through the energy field, we can find clumps of blocked energy and help them move through. 

The Scientific Basis of Biofield Tuning is that we are electrical beings.

Our battery charges when we are outside, barefoot, on the Earth. Earth is the negative polarity of our battery.
Before the invention of rubber soled shoes- an insulator- we were in constant contact with the Earth.

Her magnetic energy spirals up our spine and out the top of our heads.

The Sun is the positive polarity of our battery. Without interference, the suns light, in the form of bio-photons pours down through our heads, down the central channel and out our feet.

Just like this Tree. 

Moving energy in our body creates harmonic flow. 

This is the basic function of 2,500+ years of Chinese Medicine. 
“If there is free flow, there is no pain; if there is pain, there is lack of free flow.”

The reason we can amplify the electrical light in our body with sound is because we are made of frequency, sound, and light.

Biofield Tuning is Hard to Explain so Stick With Me here!

The efficiency of Biofield Tuning is that we simply need to follow the process to find what your body is ready to bring back into harmony today. Your body will only allow that which it is ready to process.
During your session, whether it is by phone or in person, your practitioner stays grounded in the state of Hollow Bone. During this state, your practitioner leaves all of his or her personal baggage out of the treatment space. She is simply in a state of deep listening and following what your body is asking for.

Schedule online 

BT Lite
1 hour 

In BT Lite I will follow the strict protocol guidelines which are to amplify your energy battery- grounding your central channel and make one adjustment within a one hour time container. 

$75 one hour session
Your first 3 sessions are a package for $222 

BT Deep 
90 minutes 

During BT Deep I will follow the BT protocol and make the adjustment that your body is asking for on a deeper level. Be sure to plan for adequate rest, solid nutrition, and time to play, relax, or journal after this session.  

$90 90 minute session
Your first three sessions are a package of $255 

It's just part of the healing process.. 

Cleansing is Normal with Tuning

Every day the channels of your body do so much to clear out waste and distribute nutrients.

When you have a healing reaction, your body is cleansing a larger chunk of metabolic waste than it may be used to.

By trusting the process and allowing your body to do what it needs to do, your human organism always feels better after the cleanse.

Eat Light
Drink Well 

Plan to drink more water than usual.
Eat nutritious food. 

Keep your body soft and keep returning to allowing things to move through with non-judgment 

Epsom Salt Bath

Take an Epsom Salt Bath or foot bath sometime on the day of your tuning.

Epsom Salt helps your body cleanse so that you sleep better and recharge & revitalize. 

Reach out for support. 

If you feel you need more support, please reach out to me.
I might be able do a mini tuning on your hologram to support your cleansing process. 
During the mini tuning you do not need to be present. 
The morphic field of biofield tuning supports you through the ether. 

There are also free recordings on the Biofield Tuning website- especially the one titled Raise your Voltage, that help you move through the cleansing process to the other side.

Add a description here.

Use your Tool Box

What are your favorite tools of self care? 
EFT- tapping
Meditation (guided on you tube)
Yoga (free on you tube) 
Journaling (free)
Breathwork (free) 
Cranial Sacral
Exercise (free) 
Free recordings at and youtube 

Phone Sessions are Just as Effective as In Person 

How Can Biofield Tuning Work at a Distance?

We know this concept is hard to believe.
There is a scientific basis to why I can focus my intent on performing a standard Biofield Tuning Session on you and you can be anywhere in the world, and you will feel the effects of the Tuning just as if we were in the same room together.
Ether, the fifth state of matter, is actually a connective web that unites all persons, places, and things in the universe. Your Hologram is your energy imprint which carries all the same information written in it as your physical body does.
When your practitioner focuses his or her intent on treating your specific hologram, they can apply vibration to pressure points on your body, and the effect can be measured no matter at what distance.

Schedule Online

Healing is a life long.. 

Why should I start with 3 Biofield Tuning Sessions?

While health is a life long journey, the first three Biofield Sessions are the best way to start your experience with Biofield Tuning. At the first session, the muck can be stirred up. At the second session, the muck is integrated. At the third session there is a sense of resolution.
It is best to schedule the three sessions one week to 10 days apart.

Schedule Online

Welcome to the Treatment Room! 

The Treatment Space has it's own private entrance and parking area. When you come up our long driveway, you will pull in front of the house to the left and park.  
Warm Earthing Mat, Infra Red Heat Lamp, Cozy Blankets & Aromatherapy all await you! 

What is a Project Tuning? 

This session tunes the energy of a project. 
Not recommended as a first session for a new client. 
This type of session can help you move forward with any type of project if its artistic, home improvement, an event, business related, or other.  Projects carry their own energy- and we invest a lot of ourselves in making things happen. 
This session can bring up pent up thoughts or beliefs around the project which then can transform through sound alchemy. 
This tuning helps you get out of your own way and move forward with the river of the life without forcing or striving. 
Includes a short PDF of the results to your email 

Spa Session- In Person Only 
A Great First Session to Relax and Realign! 

Fibonacci Body Balancing

This session can help with neck, back & shoulder pain, release tension, and improve flexibility. 
The weighted forks produce coherent sound vibration on all the joints of the body. 
Starting with grounding your system, you can relax while I apply the weighted forks from toe to head in a systematic way to balance both sides of the body. 
The Fibonacci forks work on the geometric template of the body- balancing the left & right hemispheres of the brain and amplifying the voltage in your signal for more energy and motivation to do what you need to do in life! 
This is a Spa Session - 90 minutes of self care to relax & recharge. 

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Kidney Adrenal Health through Biofield Tuning 

Adrenal Reset 

One of the most common diagnoses given by alternative health care practitioners is adrenal fatigue. 
The adrenals can be stuck in fight, flight, or freeze mode from an early pattern established in utero due to environmental stressors. 
This is a set of three sessions that reset your adrenal rhythm.
Not advisable as your first Biofield Session. 
A good one to schedule for a Friday afternoon with time for self care afterwards. 
You can also amplify your healing response by listening to the adrenal reset series available on 
You will be able to pay for the package and schedule your first one online. You will need to schedule sessions 2 and 3 with Rachel. 

Read more

How long apart should I schedule my Biofield Tuning Sessions for Maintenance? 

This depends how much you have going on. If you have a lot you are dealing with, getting tuned more often can help you cope and strategize your next steps.
During quieter times in life many people like to do a session every 2 weeks which gives them time to integrate into their daily life what they became self-aware of during their session.
This time frame can help you move toward your health goals with a sense of structured support. 

Who is Rachel Nudd? 

Rachel is a very creative Acupuncturist, Biofield Tuning Practitioner & co-owner of Will Heal Farm where she grows medicinal plants for health and body care rooted in nature’s intelligence.
She helps to facilitate healing opportunities for people to connect with the land in the Yurt in Oak Grove MN.
She is the owner of Sound Synergy & Acupuncture LLC.
Rachel has studied nutrition, cooking, herbal medicine from AAAOM in Roseville MN & School of Evolutionary Medicine. Many years of life experience have led her to integrate her holistic knowledge into her daily life where she also practices Qigong, Yoga, Meditation, Dance, Visual Arts, Walking, and the practice of healing sound.
She is a 3/5 sacral generator in human design which means she has a thirst to travel!
Some of her favorite teachers have been Caroline Myss, Eileen McKusick, Dr Sue Morter, Deepak Chopra, Robert Edward Grant, who are integrating how our health is woven in with our mind states and patterns of belief.
In individual and group sessions Rachel uses the Biofield Tuning Protocols to create alchemy.
Just like the lotus, we are in a process of growing up out of the muck in a personal and collective process.
The tuning forks accurately diagnose where there is static in our energy fields and then guide those areas of static back to the central channel for a feeling of cohesion, expansion, breath, connectedness, and light.
From this place we have more choice, agency, and space to experience life as the sacred experience that it is. We can reclaim all parts of ourselves with acceptance and navigate with more clarity and glee as we serve others from wellness.


What people are saying about Rachel Simone Nudd! 

Biofield Tuning 2024

After my Biofield Tuning Session with Rachel, I had a pretty intense detox. It felt like knives were in my back. This brought up for me, the energy of betrayal and some recent triggers where I felt like I had failed in Life. 
I drank lots of water, meditated, stretched, and had acupuncture which helped the emotional and physical pain move through. 
After the release, I recovered part of my younger self who loved physical exercise. I started a new diet and exercise routine that has me really excited. I even signed up for Pickleball lessons! I feel a sense of true confidence in my core which really feels like it is here to stay!  
I run my own business, and I feel inspired moving forward. I feel buoyant and light in my body! 
With this new energy, I was able to take care of some projects that I was procrastinating for a long time. 
I feel like Biofield Tuning brings up the core things at the root of what I'm wanting to change in myself. 
This process leads to a uncomfortable phase, where I feel so much better after. After 3 sessions I am feeling transformed! 

Laura Adrian 


First, I have an abundance of gratitude for your amazing healing work. I always leave your sessions feeling lighter, more grounded and better aligned physically and energetically. You are a wise and compassionate healer; always generous with your time, wisdom, and insights. I’m grateful for your gift of listening and deep understanding. I have a great sense of calm in your presence. You hold a space of such unconditional acceptance and intrinsic wholeness and bring a joyful warmth to the healing process. I appreciate the way you explain what is happening in each session and what you find intuitively. The “take-home” tools and recommendations also help as I continue to restore my health and grow and evolve spiritually and physically. Thank you for the work that you do. You are an incredible soul so full of deep, deep wisdom and you are a wonderful, loving being. I look forward to future sessions. In gratitude and much love,,

Berta Wahlquist

Biofield Tuning 2023

Rachel Nudd is already a very skilled intuitive healer, bodyworker and acupuncturist, adding the Biofield Tuning Forks to her toolbox was a genius move. She has made a huge difference in aiding me to let go of old trauma energy in my field, I wasn't able to release. She has "tuned in" to different era's of my life, including gestation & birth, and pinpointed trauma, be it physical or psychological. She has also helped release tension and pain from my body. Rachel is highly intuitive and extremely effective. I would send my family and friends to her under many circumstances. I believe she will be my go to for all my days. I am so thankful for her empathy and skills, she helped me at a huge moment of suffering & struggle in my life, with recent and old trauma hanging around, she blessed it, tuned it and we released it together. It has been my honor to be under her care. A treasure of a human and a practitioner, Rachel Nudd. Love, gale

Gale Ford

Biofield Tuning 2023

I had 3 toning sessions with Rachel and it was a very interesting and amazing experience. At the first session I mentioned that my right pointer finger and big toe had been causing me a lot of pain. During the session Rachel worked on the energy of these 2 areas. She encouraged me to do deep breathing with sounds as I exhaled. During the first session I made quiet sounds while breathing. I felt energized after this session and my finger and toe were free of pain. Over a month later they still are free of pain. During the second session, I decided to really exhale loudly and move the energy through as Rachel worked on me. I felt like we moved a lot of stuck emotion during that session. I enjoy feeling the movement of energy through my body and am always amazed by the mystery of this type of healing. The third session I had a visit from a new Spirit guide. I saw him lying beside me and Rachel confirmed who he was. He came forth at this time to help me do some releasing work. During this session I really let myself be vocal with the releasing of my breath and the things that needed to be released. Rachel was a great guide during this session. I have felt lighter and more joyful after these sessions. One day I laughed the whole day for no reason after a session, it was just a very joyful experience. Rachel is a wonderful practitioner, she is very wise and intuitive. She always gives wisdom on things that my body might need after each session and is very connected with me as she is working on me and my energy. Angie Renee

Angie Renee


Thank you for the wonderful Tuning treatment this evening! During the treatment I felt a light buzzing feeling over my body. After the tuning treatment I felt lighter, calmer, and whole. I am still feeling this now after a few hours. Rachel, you have an amazing gift and I am so very glad you shared it with me.

Rita Hurd

Biofield Tuning 2024

As I was exploring my current relationship with my wounded child archetype, I was elated by the realization that I had come through forgiveness in some key relationships in my life, including toward myself, in the past two years or so, and I strongly believe that this was heavily supported, if not instigated by the Biofield Tunings and "Rachel" sessions that I have received like a treasure from "heaven". 

Patty Brieland